Humanitarian Award
The Franciscan Foundation presented the 2016 St. Francis Humanitarian of the Year Award to the Sisters of St. Francis and the Tacoma Dominican Sisters for their work against human trafficking.
The Franciscan Sisters and Companions and the Tacoma Dominican Sisters and Associates draw their inspiration for working against human trafficking from many sources: the sacred scriptures, the U.S. 1865 proclamation against slavery, WA State efforts against trafficking; the teaching of church leaders and most especially from our own Franciscan and Dominican religious communities. Much raising awareness about the scope and extent of the scourge of organized human trafficking has been done through the intercommunity Peace and Justice Center in Seattle which is a collaborative work sponsored by seventeen religious communities including the Franciscan and the Tacoma Dominican Sisters acting for peace and justice in the church around the world.
At noon, on the third Friday of the month the Dominicans, Franciscans and others gather for a silent vigil against human trafficking at 6th and N State St in Tacoma.

Left: Sisters Ramundine and Amanda Noonan, the twins at Marymount. Right: Chinese New Year celebration at SJR with Sr. Eileen Walsh, OP and Sr. Maria Goretti, DM.
Information about religious life and specific Congregations can be found on the following websites. Like a good mystery, these sources can lead you to others and offer you more information about sisters and their lives.
Giving Voice is a peer led organization that creates spaces for younger women religious to give voice to their hopes, dreams and challenges in religious life.
The National Religious Vocation Conference is a professional organization of vocation ministers that presents religious life as a viable option in the Catholic Church. NRVC promotes vocation awareness, invitation, and discernment to life as a religious sister, brother, or priest.
A great place to learn about more than 25 congregations of Dominicans in the USA and what they are doing. A bi-monthly publication telling the stories of the lives of individual sisters and Congregations within and outside the United States.
Prayers of Eternal Life – Sister Margaret (“Meg”) O’Farrell
Sister Margaret (“Meg”) O’Farrell, OP (Mary Bernard), 91, died peacefully January 18, at St. Joseph Residence, Seattle. She entered the Tacoma Dominican Sisters in 1948 and taught for more than 25 years in the Archdiocese of Seattle, as well as ministering in religious education and parish service. Full memorial will be published in the Spring Issue Seekers of Truth