The Alleluia Heart: Praising God’s Goodnees!

Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter

The Only Thing Constant is Change

Senaida Rivera, OP

 “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, you always oppose the Holy Spirit. . .” Acts 7:51

Aging. A topic that is being addressed in so many ways today:  aging gracefully, healthy aging, best practices for older adults, preventing dementia—just to name a few.  Aging brings with it a life-long accrual of habits to which we have become accustomed. Set in our ways, we can also suffer from the “uncircumcised in heart and ears—opposing the Holy Spirit.”

With my sisters in community, we are experiencing a median age of 81 and are few in numbers. The intentional planning for our future has been inclusive of all our members. We value the input we receive from each other and those who continue to accompany us throughout.

I live in awe of the amazing sisters in our community who serve as role models to all. They have been faithful to their call by continuing to preach and serve as witnesses of the Gospel through our Dominican charism. There are no words to express my gratitude for the valuable wisdom they share with me always. Together we continue the charism and legacy left to us by St. Dominic and our Foundresses.

Through contemplative prayer, study, and open discussions in community, we have embraced a new stage of reality. The Holy Spirit has been with us every step of the way opening our hearts and ears to what we are being called to do.  We are wrapped in the presence of the Holy Spirit which has allayed our fears and is bringing forth possibilities for the future. Jesus, in his mercy draws us closer and reaches us in many ways.  For this, we give thanks and sing Alleluia!

Change is not a simple task for everyone in the latter season of life.  It is more challenging for some than others.  As many in our community, I too experience excitement over future possibilities for continuing our ministries in different ways.

What I have learned is that in our latter season of life:

We can turn it into a time of growth and dig in right where God has us planted.

We have a front row seat to God’s grace in what may feel imperfect at times.

It has taught us an essential life skill: how to embrace change.

It has fanned the flame of God’s life within us!

Change? Aging? Yes, to both, and dancing with the Spirit! Alleluia!

Dominican Women Afire from various congregations have prepared Easter reflections. We share here Tacoma Dominican Sister Senaida Rivera’s reflection.