Mission Statement
Inspired by the spirit of Dominic and imbued with the vision of our foundresses, Sisters Thomasina, de Chantal and Aloysia, the Tacoma Dominicans respond to God’s call to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our Dominican tradition of contemplation impels us to collaborate in networks of spiritual, educational and political commitment to create a just society that addresses basic human needs and ends the violence that erodes our planet.
In living out our Mission Statement, the diversity of our ministries flows from the biblical concept of justice.
Sisters and Associates work for:
- Rights and dignity of all life
- Rights and needs of the aged
- Women’s issues
- Youth at risk
- Comprehensive immigration reform
- Healthcare reform
- Education
- Care of creation
- L’ Arche
- Human rights
Sisters and Associates work against:
- Poverty and homelessness
- The death penalty
- War and proliferation of nuclear arms
- Human trafficking
- Racism
Tacoma Dominicans are founding members of:
Check out Dominican Peace and Justice activities www.DomLife.org
Corporate Stance Against Human Trafficking
We Dominican Sisters and Associates belonging to the Tacoma Dominican Community, recognize the sacredness of each person. We oppose any human trafficking, for any reason. We especially oppose the violation of women, men and children for sexual exploitation or forced labor. Adopted August 2008.
Corporate Stance for Comprehensive Immigration Reform
We, the Dominican Sisters and Associates of the Tacoma Dominican Community recognize the sacredness of each person. We support Comprehensive Immigration Reform which includes viable legal avenues for immigration, the integrity of families, and opportunities for permanent residency. Adopted June 2012.
Corporate Stance for the Abolition of the Death Penalty
We, the Dominican Sisters and Associates of Tacoma, choose life over death. We believe in the consistent ethic of life, the sacredness of all creation and the dignity of each human life. We stand in solidarity with our Dominican Sisters, the USCCB, Pope Francis and others in opposing the death penalty for all persons. Adopted June 25, 2016.